深圳市南山区众帛纺织品印花厂,是一家以开发,加工和销售纺织印花产品为一体的专业公司,公司以多年的生产经验在产能及规模上都名列前茅。致力于推广全新概念的纺织品印花技术,是服饰类企业、贸易公司、国际贸易公司、广告公司、礼品公司、皮具公司等良好的合作伙伴。 ◆【面料印花加工业务】======================================= 全棉/涤棉/数码印花(裁片印/匹印) 、传统平网圆网印花、植绒印花,活性直喷数码印花、活性丝网印花、酸性印花、分散印花、胶浆、水浆等工艺印花。 ◆【品牌产品】================================================ 汽车/家居抱枕靠包批发订制定制加工、个性抱枕定制加工、招网络代理一件代发货、承接抱枕OEM订单。 搜索印花范围: ★服装面料印花类★:(成衣印花、T恤印花、广告衫、工作服、时装、泳衣、泳裤、沙滩裤、运动服、自行车服); ★纺织品印花类★:(窗帘布、窗纱、沙发布、台布、浴帘及睡袋、羽绒被褥羽绒制品、靠垫、地垫、枕套、床单、床垫、床罩等床上用品); ★箱包皮具印花类★:(手袋,箱包,皮革等材料印花) ★汽车装饰用品★:(靠垫、汽车座套、汽车窗帘、太阳挡、车罩等);无纺布、写真照片、工艺画、挂旗、风筝面料、眼镜布等涤纶印花面料 ★户外休闲用品★:(遮阳伞、雨伞、遮阳蓬、沙滩椅、帐篷等); ★手机和平板电脑配件★:手机壳,手机套印花,iphone保护壳,IPAD保护套,平板电脑套等; →→我司印花技术优势: 1、生产速度快,缩短了工作与生产周期; 2、自由发挥创意,满足时尚个性化需求; 3、色彩丰富,图像清晰逼真,无手感; 4、色彩数量不受限制;长度不受限制; 5、绿色环保、降低污染;手感好并完全透气; 可根据不同的要求、图案、材料、规格订做。


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    Our website has opened!

    Our main business "数码印花;全棉数码直喷;抱枕批发;纺织品加工" and other products. Company respected "practical, hard work, responsibility spirit of enterprise, and to integrity, win-win, creating business ideas, to create a good business environment, with a new management model, perfect technology, attentive service, excellent quality of basic survival, we always adhere to customer first intentions to serve customers, persist in using their services to impress clients.

    welcome new and old customers to visit our company guidance, my company specific address is: 广东省东莞市虎门大道88号.

    If you are interested in our products or have any questions, you can give us a message, or contact us directly, we will receive your information, will be the first time in a timely manner contact with you, we sincerely hope to cooperate with all friends, future hand in hand, sharing successful results!

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  • 汪生
  • 13527964185
  • 0769-88762618
  • 0769-88762618
  • 523800
  • 广东省东莞市虎门大道88号